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Four Steps To Make 2023 Your Most Profitable Year Yet

November 11, 2022

In this episode of Waking Up With Melissa Ruiz, I encourage all entrepreneurs to take advantage of the final quarter of 2022: October, November, and December! This is probably the most important quarter of the fiscal year, because it is the best time to set goals and put a strategy in place to kickstart the following year with a bang. Unfortunately, this just so happens to be the time when everyone begins to slow down and take off their business hats for longer periods. (It’s the holiday season, after all.) Listen: I make more money in the biggest quarter of the year  than any other quarter of the year! How is this possible? Tune in and find out!


[03:40] Keeping your business growing while integrating self-care into your life
[09:26] Why pre-sell everything during Q4 2022
[12:05] Bundle your favorite offers together
[14:15] Steer clear of the comparison trap
[19:44] An inside look into Melissa’s Q4 2022 launch strategy

Contrary to what many say, the Christmas season is the time when people are most ready to buy. This is the season of discounts, presales, and promos. This is the time New Year’s Resolutions are made and new gym memberships soar, because people are looking to invest in their health, wellness, mindset, and other personal and professional growth-related goals.

So, what does that mean for you? Well, if you don’t have an offer ready to go right now, then your ideal customer or client is going to invest in someone else.

Some may cite the need for rest and recuperation as reasons for taking time off this time of year. Taking time off to recover and re-energize is obviously important; but, I think most people go about it in a less-than-ideal way. As an entrepreneur especially, you can only get so far by being either “on ” or “off” business mode.

I believe that this path is all about continuous meditation, where you follow where your soul guides you in terms of work, rest, and play without feeling like you have to adhere to a structure that society deems normal. In other words, if you want what few have, you have to be willing to look outside of your box and do what few do. With continuous meditation, there is no burnout.

With this foundation set, here are four powerful steps to launch multiple offers by the end of the year and make 2023 your most profitable year yet!

Step #1: Become a Repurposing Maven.

Let’s start with what not to do: You don’t need to be a content machine putting stuff out 24/7.

There are far too many broken content creators out there!

Just because you’re a content creator doesn’t mean that you have a business. And just because you have a business doesn’t mean that you have influence and you know how to create content. However, you can be both: You can be great at creating content and also have a business. I find that there are too many people online just creating content like a machine. And for this last quarter, that may be what’s holding you back.

Instead of being a content machine. I need to be a repurposing maven, and make money while you’re at it.

Ask yourself what you have already created this year: Have you done any free challenges? Do you have any eBooks? Did you record any coaching calls with your students from a prior coaching program? This last quarter for me is the easiest of the four because I’m not reinventing the wheel. I am not creating anything new. I’m simply repurposing my greatest hits to grow my following and nurture loyalty from my current audience.

You have a lot of gold buried in your library of past content. Instead of letting them collect digital dust, take the absolute best and put a price tag on it. Anything from $20 to $99 is enough.

The more people you impact, the better chances you have of those people being nurtured into your other offerings. And even if they don’t ever get into another offering, isn’t the whole point of business ownership the opportunity to impact lives?

Step #2: Pre-Sell Your Repurposed Content.

Let your audience lock-in their deposit now so that you have revenue coming in for the last couple of months of 2022.

People always ask me how I always have clients in my arsenal. The truth is, it’s not that I’m always launching, but that I’m always opening enrollments. I keep the doors open.

Many don’t do this because they’re afraid. They’re afraid that they don’t have the dates. But I don’t care about that. I know people want to connect with me and my message. I know people want to get into our containers. I know that they don’t mind waiting a month or two or even three. By the time I actually run and launch my offers, it’s likely that at least half of the spots are already gone.

Pre-sell everything. You can pre-sell your masterminds. You can pre-sell your online courses. You can pre-sell your retreats. And don’t be so rigid with your schedule. People don’t really care about the start date. People care about who they associate with and whether they can provide true value to them.

Step #3: Bundle Your Favorite Offers Together.

Here’s a quick but powerful tip to leverage your time and resources when launching your offers:

You don’t have to launch every single offer separately. If you can find the commonalities between your different offers, you can create themed bundles and launch them all at once. By doing this, you work fewer hours while potentially making more!

Step #4: Avoid the comparison trap.

You have to help yourself through your entrepreneurship journey. You have to know where you’re at and be unashamed no matter where you are on the path. There will always be someone ahead of you and someone behind you. So, there’s no point in comparing your progress or level of success with others.

Nor should you feel like you need to be able to invest huge amounts of money to grow your business. If you have an offer that is very easy to put out there, like one-on-one coaching, you don’t have to create a sales page for that. You don’t have to create a Kajabi course. You don’t have to hire a bunch of people to get your business started.

This is also a good opportunity for you to test the market and to see if people connect with what you have to offer.

We need to meet ourselves where we’re at. Subscribe to the philosophy of being content—of understanding that there’s nothing that we can do but to deal with the cards we’ve been given right at this moment. It’s okay that we want to be somewhere else; but, we need to honor where we’re at now and work with our present self.

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An entrepreneur by heart, Melissa helps other women start and scale their business, while keeping their spirits aligned and embracing new challenges.

Melissa Ruiz

Hi humans I'm Melissa