Currently enrolling for Unleash & Unveil your soul business 14.0! We start October 7th! 

Your Ideal Client & How To Talk To Them

April 11, 2021

Let’s get extremely clear on who your ideal client is, where they’re hanging out, how old they are, and what they do for fun.

Take a look at who you serve now, starting with the tribe you already have, even if it’s just one person!

  • How do you currently help them? Why are they reaching out to you? Is it through a class, energy reading, inspiration, advice, mindset work?

  • What kind of solution are you providing them? Think about your gifts, talents, and expertise (life experience).

  • After you solve their issue, what kind of transformation will they walk away with?

Now, let’s do some market research!

Start connecting with your ideal client by collecting market research – gathering information on content your ideal client wants. First, you need to get an idea of what type of leads you are reaching out to before you conduct market research with them.

⭐️Hot Leads. These are people ready to work with you now.

⭐️Warm Leads. These people know you, but haven’t quite consumed all of your content…yet.

⭐️Cold Leads. They do not know you.

When reaching out to a hot lead…

1. Hey (NAME) how are you? I’m conducting some market research and would love to ask you some questions? Let me know if you’re up for it as this really helps me create content for my audience. If you want to jump on a call that would be awesome, or just kindly respond to these 3 questions. (INSERT QUESTIONS HERE). Thanks again for your support.

When reaching out to a warm lead…start by creating a poll on IG or FB and ask your audience a series of questions about what they want to know more of? Give them two options and then respond to everyone that voted!

2. Saw you voted on my poll about wanting to learn more about (INSERT WHAT THEY VOTED FOR). Thanks so much for voting and I hope you don’t mind me messaging you about this. I am curious as to what you specifically wanted to learn more about? Definitely wanting to put out more content to help people through this! Thanks again for your support!

When reaching out to a cold lead…

3. Hey (NAME), just wanted to pop into your DM’s and say I’m glad we connected! I’m conducting some market research and if you are still confused about (a biz idea you have BUT haven’t launched or who your ideal client would be) I would love to brainstorm with you and hear what are the challenges you are currently facing? Would love to support you!


Now let’s start selling soulfully and close more intuitive sales with ALL of your dream clients! I’ve got a self-paced course just for the mystically conscious entrepreneur in you. Are you ready to step into your leadership and close more sales? 




Mystic Class



An entrepreneur by heart, Melissa helps other women start and scale their business, while keeping their spirits aligned and embracing new challenges.

Melissa Ruiz

Hi humans I'm Melissa