Currently enrolling for Unleash & Unveil your soul business 14.0! We start October 7th! 

BTS: What We Did To Scale to 100k in 7 Months

March 24, 2021

I’m devoted to helping spirit entrepreneurs of all backgrounds reach their highest potential. Just surpassing one year in business, we have created over 400k in sales while helping soulful entrepreneurs keep their spirit aligned.

A little story…

4 years ago – I was a completely different person. I was a TV producer in NY casting shows for Viacom, drinking, smoking, in a relationship that was falling apart, and a career that I hated. I was so unhappy with the trajectory and unraveling of my life – my spirit knew it had to make a change quick. So, for the very first time, I started looking at my wounds and boy was it a lot to look at! The one thing that became real was all the limiting beliefs I was subscribing to. Things like, “Well, I guess

I have to stay in this job, in this marriage, in this income bracket.” But, I had deep desire to heal and change my circumstances.

Then I Remember One Day Thinking…

⭐️What would happen if I just did everything in my power to be happy?

⭐️What would happen if I unapologetically showed up to my own life ?

⭐️What would it look like if I started over but this time on my terms, and not the limiting beliefs my immigrant parents and society had instilled in me?

A Simple Mindset Shift

My soul business is a manifestation of how I want to live my life and the legacy I leave.

The Yoga Philosophy

This is where I started to use the yoga philosophy and principles into the business. In fact, what I found to be true was that we will only be as successful as the inner work we do on ourselves.

So, before I stepped onto the scene of entrepreneurship, the takeaway here was that I did a lot of work to dismantle my ego, limiting beliefs and healed old wounds. 

So I got to work and started envisioning and manifesting the life I’d always wanted, and most importantly, how I wanted to feel inside of it.

Teach From Where You’re At

The thing that stops people the fastest is imposter syndrome. You can use discernment and teach from the place you’re at, at this very moment. It’s going to require you to trust yourself and release shame or guilt you’re attached to.

Create Your Soulful Offers to the Cosmos

Our very first offer was a 6-week yoga & meditation course called Unleash & Unveil Into Harmony. It was $350 and our very first launch was $2,200. All I knew was yoga & meditation, so that’s what I taught!

Scaling Your Product Suite

I knew I was on to something after launching UUIH and selling out my first in person event with 62 people, along with my first yoga and meditation retreat. I took the risk and invested $25k on a business coach. A month later, I made my first $28k by launching UUYSB.

Pivoting Out of UUIH

Scaling UUYSB


Are you ready to FINALLY Close More Intuitive Sales?

Join my self-paced currency course for the mystical offbeat entrepreneur. If you desire to energetically close more sales that empower your tribe to make decisions out of abundance, and not scarcity, this is for you.

When we embody the Soulful Currency Method, we truly gain clarity and wisdom that SELLING is how we SERVE our communities.




Mystic Class



An entrepreneur by heart, Melissa helps other women start and scale their business, while keeping their spirits aligned and embracing new challenges.

Melissa Ruiz

Hi humans I'm Melissa