Starting and scaling your soul biz will always require you to come back to your vision.
2 years later and over a million in sales I can tell you, the growth comes from our ability:
⟁ to make decisions
⟁ to have a clear vision
⟁ and to execute the shit out of them without thinking twice about it
It’s about deciding what I’m going to do, but also what I’m no longer going to do, without the need of looking around for the answers. This is all about learning how to speak YOUR truth within YOUR messaging. This is your opportunity to define who you are and be unique.
We need to first lay down the foundation and get clear on our soul calling and who we want to be in the next 3 years.
Are you a teacher, motivator, coach, educator etc.? What’s your unique voice? And how can you share your knowledge and show up like the expert? That is what will ultimately makes you different
than everyone else because no one in this entire world has experienced what you have.
This will take some practice but the more comfortable you get sharing your true authentic self, the more your business will fall into place.
when you hire a team, they won’t fix your problems
when you hire mentors, they won’t wave a magic wand over your biz
Instead, they will look at you ready to execute your vision but if you don’t know what that is, how can anyone help you?
Your business is:
⫸ not just about launching
⫸ not just about creating an offer
⫸ not just about soulful currency
Your business is about your ability to communicate the vision you hold true yourself.
Forget about trying to create the perfect product and what goals you need to reach this month. Instead, let’s focus on how you actually want to live your life.
If you are feeling called to expand that vision and to explore all the aspects and layers within you, my latest offer Portal to the Vision is what you are looking for!
This program is a journey inward, back to the core of your existence, to the expansive and sacred ether where your soul first ignited.
Are you coming?