discover the 4 steps to align your soul's calling with a profitable business so you can create the life & abundance you deserve

The Structure It Takes to Get to 6 figures and beyond

January 20, 2022


While I love to work with the divine feminine of surrender and flow I equally love to work with the balanced masculine energy so that we can experience the best of both worlds.

My loves, it’s my highest intention that we embrace some of the structure that we get from working with the healed masculine energy so that our logical brain can process the path to hitting certain benchmarks in our soul biz.

Here’s the structure we’ve been using in our business, the structure that led us straight to 6-figures in less than two years and that now helped us reach 7-figures.

The Root 

The trajectory and foundation for almost all startups in the early stages is to be in creation mode and bring forth different products into the market. It’s about who can do it the fastest, the best and have the quickest turnaround time and that takes TIME + ENERGY

Have a business strategy on what your intention is for how you want to move in your business and figure out the season you’re in. What are your business cycles and where have we built in rich rest and discipline to do the things we say?


Target your Ideal Client

Some businesses choose to bring a lower offer into the market, making it affordable and accessible. Their whole business model is, I’m only attracting and marketing to humans who want to experience luxury simply because they can.

Question yourself, human: Who are you marketing to? Have you outgrown your ideal client? What good problems are they having? What good problems is the CEO having?


The most challenging aspect is the mindset.

So often the reason why we aren’t in our business in the way it feels most supportive to us is because there is a belief that it can’t be done, that it will be hard or worse, that we have to give something up. That’s an energetic block.

Affirm: Less is more and all things filtered through love and for the highest good of all beings can ONLY be easeful & purposeful

Human, Do a gut check here and be radically honest with yourself on what your heart’s desires are and where they meet with your business needs. There is no right or wrong way of sharing your offerings – only the way that feels most aligned with you and how you want to position yourself in the market.

Release the pressure to save, people please, feel bad and need to make everyone happy. Your soul business, your dharma and purpose is for you first then everyone else.

Amor, the entrepreneurial journey is not only about getting in the room and being around people who can expand you, but also not missing opportunities… And this is your opportunity.

Unleash & Unveil Your Soul Business, my signature coaching program, is back for a seventh round. Come join us in the unknown, the place where you have no clue what to do next. But along the journey, we will rise up together.



Mystic Class



An entrepreneur by heart, Melissa helps other women start and scale their business, while keeping their spirits aligned and embracing new challenges.

Melissa Ruiz

Hi humans I'm Melissa