Currently enrolling for Unleash & Unveil your soul business 14.0! We start October 7th! 

Soulful guide to soulful sale

December 23, 2021

My love, this post is all about sharing our easy steps to soulful selling.

Using these steps you will be able to sell without feeling sleezy. Instead, you will know that you are going to help and serve the person when you sell to them.

Let’s first practice raising our vibrations and being grateful! Our thoughts are made up of energy and every time we tap into gratefulness we are raising our vibrations. 

Selling is a vibe so if you feel salesy then that’s exactly how the receiving person will feel.


Do’s + Don’ts of soulful selling

Do focus on providing value and serving.

Do focus on the transformation.

Do hold space and soulfully listen to them

Don’t slide in people’s DM’s and send them links.

Don’t focus too much on the stuff they are getting.

Don’t overwhelm your ideal client.


Four Steps of the Soulful Selling

Connect: The starting part is connecting with the human with the intention of truly getting to know them and helping them. Make sure to introduce yourself in the DMs and offer them support and value. You can even invite them on a call with you (especially for anything over $300).

Hold Space + Detach: Lead from the place of holding space for them to uncover what they really need.  Remember, each person is a human being with feelings (not a number) and they are coming to you for help. You have to unattach yourself from the result. If we are too attached to the result, we won’t be able to fully hold space to discover how they can be helped.

Handle Objections: Objections usually happen when humans don’t see the value or have limiting beliefs. To explain the value, make sure to share the transformation. Reiterate their pain points and how your work can help them. Keep in mind that limiting beliefs have NOTHING to do with how much money they actually have, it’s a belief.

Close the sale: Invite them in to work with you and empower them to give themselves the permission to invest in themselves. We want them to get closer and closer to their highest vision.


Soulful selling is just like dating, mi amor. You get to know the person you go on dates with. Creating these takes time and can’t be rushed.

This is one of the main topics we cover in my signature coaching program Unleash & Unveil Your Soul Business. If you are struggling with selling in a soulful way, I invite you to fill the application form below. 

It is time you scale your business to the next level.



Mystic Class



An entrepreneur by heart, Melissa helps other women start and scale their business, while keeping their spirits aligned and embracing new challenges.

Melissa Ruiz

Hi humans I'm Melissa