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New Earth Leadership – Spiritual business pillars

August 20, 2022

We come to a point in history where we are in need to rethink the way we are currently doing business so that it aligns with the vision of how we actually want to live our life.

The time has arrived where we are dismantling & alchemizing the old masculine colonizing ways of making money, building a business, and showing up in leadership. New Earth leaders are being initiated and upgraded to lead us through sustainable practices, integrity, and honoring humanity…and you are those leaders.

What is New Earth Leadership?

Let’s first talk about the New Earth and how the planet is consciously and collectively inviting us to restore balance and harmony and operate at a higher frequency of love, compassion, and authenticity.

The Earth (Pachamama) is Queen Bee at nourishing herself and honoring all her elements so that she can sustain and feed all her children – animals, plants, and crystal kingdom. Without the Earth, none of us would physically be here therefore if you think about it, we couldn’t live out our dharma and experience the Self without her.

You see, collectively, we are all more alike and connected than we think. With so many humans fighting one another, now is the time when we come together and operate in a way that’s beneficial for all life forms.

Because truly what affects ONE, affects us all. We are all connected to the one conscious mind.

The 3 pillars of the Spirit of the Business

The DNA in the Dharma – mission (the who)

Our Dharma is the anchor of our business. It’s our big why and the reason why our business is the vehicle for more expansion and livelihood. Think about it – at this point, what else will give us that type of fulfillment and purpose? What is our purpose? Our soul’s mission? And how do we get to live through that in our soul business?

The Medicine in the Offering (the how)

The things we alchemize are oftentimes the things we teach in our programs and offerings. What are the ways we are teaching and showing up in leadership right now? Is that still in alignment with this New Earth energy? If not, what needs to change? Does the format of how we teach need to change or adjust?

The Magnetism in Marketing – Storytelling (the what)

Let’s examine our marketing and what outdated strategies are we ready to alchemize. How does it feel now and how do we want it to feel? What kind of energy do we need to step into? Who do we need to be in order to activate that version of ourselves?

The marketing is in the messaging. It’s in the storytelling and how you are bringing brand awareness to the offers.

Humans, there’s no need to hustle and no need to make our soul business complicated. We can release the need to have big teams or a team at all. Release the need to have fancy sales pages for offers – it can be as easy as an application or a cart page. The planet is being upgraded to new ways of sustaining itself. How are you doing the same in your soul business?

The entrepreneurial journey is not only about getting in the room and being around people who can expand you, but also not missing opportunities…

And this is your opportunity.

Apply to my signature program Unleash & Unveil The Mastermind, a six-month journey for 6 to 7-figure entrepreneurs who are ready to anchor into new earth abundance.



Mystic Class



An entrepreneur by heart, Melissa helps other women start and scale their business, while keeping their spirits aligned and embracing new challenges.

Melissa Ruiz

Hi humans I'm Melissa