Currently enrolling for Unleash & Unveil your soul business 14.0! We start October 7th! 

How To Follow Your Intuition In Business: Your Intuitive Business

October 20, 2022

I’m the CEO of a seven figure spiritual luxury coaching brand and here’s my number one
secret to running a successful business.
Allow your intuition to guide you. To follow the path of a spiritual entrepreneur, It
requires a deep knowing and trust within yourself, and that is your intuition.

How can you listen to your intuition? Through allowing yourself to understand what
you’re experiencing and feeling in the present moment. You have an advantage that others
don’t when you’re tuning into your inner guidance. We all have intuition, but only some of us
choose to listen to it.

Owning a business may seem overwhelming. You don’t have to worry about your next
caption or your next podcast. You just need to worry about giving yourself enough space to be
present. That’s where your intuition thrives.
We get so caught up in the idea that we have to be perfect in our business. We feel like
we need to achieve a certain ideal in order to be successful as a spiritual entrepreneur, but this
is an illusion.

Perfection doesn’t exist. Being authentically you is going to get you much further in
your business, it’s actually going to be what makes you stick out.
With so many people on the internet telling us what to do or how to feel, choose to do
what feels right for you. Learn to give yourself permission to NOT follow anyone.

Stop shaming yourself for not having a schedule. Stop shaming yourself for not being
“perfect”. Stop shaming yourself for not being like everyone else.

The beautiful thing about you, human, is that you are a unique individual and what
works for you won’t always work for someone else. Tune into what you need and desire before
copying someone else.

It is okay for you to not always have a plan. You won’t have all the details planned out
all the time. Not everyone is even meant to be a planner, some of us are the kind of people that
thrive in the creativity of uncertainty. If you surrender to the fear of the unknown, that can turn
into the future you’re calling in.

Allow yourself the opportunity to connect with yourself. That’s the most important thing in
your business. Beyond the strategy, reconnect to the core of your business’ energy through your

Allow yourself to follow the emotions you’re experiencing in the now. That’s how
you’re going to stand out in your business, by understanding what it is that you want to

Ask yourself, what is it that you desire to experience in your business? What is the core
intention for why you started your business? How can you allow yourself to be more intuitive in
your business?

Allow yourself to practice the art of non attachment. Letting go allows us to create a
new reality for ourselves. Take a good look at where you are at right now with your heart, not
with overthinking and the logistics of things. Now reflect on what reality you’re calling in.

Human, remember you are a gem and it takes incredible courage to be seen in this way. The entrepreneurial journey is not only about getting in the room and being around people who can expand you, but also not missing opportunities… 

And this is your opportunity.

Join The Cosmic Genius Collective, my new 12-Month Business Mentorship Program for mystical off-beat entrepreneurs who envision intentionally cultivating + expanding their Soul-led Business through a spacious year-long container.

Join me in deep relationship + community as we align + alchemize the soul of your business with the influence + impact of the cosmos!



Mystic Class



An entrepreneur by heart, Melissa helps other women start and scale their business, while keeping their spirits aligned and embracing new challenges.

Melissa Ruiz

Hi humans I'm Melissa