Join Unleash & Unveil Your soul Business 15.0 - we start february 24th

In this episode of Waking Up With Melissa Ruiz, I dive into the power of unlocking your cosmic baddie energy—that hidden genius within all of us which serves as the bridge between the human and the divine—and radically shift your business in the process! I highlight my best strategies when it comes to putting together […]

I’m the CEO of a seven figure spiritual luxury coaching brand and here’s my number onesecret to running a successful business.Allow your intuition to guide you. To follow the path of a spiritual entrepreneur, Itrequires a deep knowing and trust within yourself, and that is your intuition. How can you listen to your intuition? Through […]

Are you struggling with how to structure your coaching calls? If the answer is YES then this is the right article for you because I’ll be breaking down a standard structure for a 60-minute 1-on-1 coaching call. But, mi amor, remember that you can still add your own magic to the call, while keeping this […]

My love, you create safety in your business when you create confidence and harmony within all of your body. The goal is to bring the spiritual, mental, and physical body altogether in balance.

If we don’t create safety within ourselves first, how can we create safety in our business? Remember, you are not the business – you are the one who runs it! So you can’t expect your business to do anything for you without requiring you to do something first.

One of the hardest parts when scaling your business is the mindset that’s needed along with the expansion. It’s the embodiment piece that is so often overlooked because at this stage it’s all about leveraging your time and taking bigger swings in your business.

As we work on scaling our business, it’s important that we utilize more than just one platform so we can get optimal reach and can cross-pollinate our content. Your ideal client may be on multiple platforms and if you’re just targeting one, you might be missing a huge opportunity to get in front of more people.