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All about content repurposing

February 17, 2022


As we work on scaling our business, it’s important that we utilize more than just one platform so we can get optimal reach and can cross-pollinate our content. Your ideal client may be on multiple platforms and if you’re just targeting one, you might be missing a huge opportunity to get in front of more people.

But first, let’s get clear… what is content repurposing?

Content repurposing is when the content creator writes one piece of content that gets repurposed into at least five pieces of content.

The goal of having a strong repurposing strategy is to allow us to get out of the trap of constantly making content, and into the habit of strategically distributing so that we work ahead.

The process of content repurposing:

Creating one piece of content

  Deciding all of the places it should go

  Editing it to fit

Creating one piece of content

Create one piece of content, longer form if possible.

Deciding all of the places it should go

With the help of a virtual assistant, you can create one piece of content for Instagram and then share it on Facebook, but with a different picture. Then, you can re-arrange this content for newsletters and blog posts. Also, you can pull quotes to create shareable content for all your platforms.

Editing it to fit

With the help of a whole team, you can create one piece of content in the shape of a Youtube video and from that video, extract audio for Instagram and then share it on Facebook. You can also transcribe this content for newsletters, blog posts, and Pinterest. Finally, you can pull quotes and audio clips to create shareable content for all your platforms.


Pause & take notice…

When I first started my business two years ago, all I did was post on IG, share on FB, and repurpose for email.

Ask yourself, does this sound appealing to you right now? Do you want to do this yourself or do you want to outsource this?

Strategize based on what most excites you and what flows out effortlessly.


Human, the entrepreneurial journey is not only about getting in the room and being around people who can expand you but also not missing opportunities… And this is your opportunity.

If you are feeling called to explore all the aspects and layers within you, then Portal To the Vision is the offer for you.



Mystic Class



An entrepreneur by heart, Melissa helps other women start and scale their business, while keeping their spirits aligned and embracing new challenges.

Melissa Ruiz

Hi humans I'm Melissa