Join Unleash & Unveil Your soul Business 15.0 - we start february 24th


January 28, 2019

Hello! My name is Melissa and I go by @iammelissaruiz on social media. Before we get into all the health and healing STUFF, let me start by saying I was not always a healthy person. I used to eat horribly, not get enough rest, party with my friends and had an entertainment job that sucked the life out of me. Well that’s a little a dramatic, BUT really, I slaved away for 15 years as a TV producer. Although I truly enjoyed it, I completely felt drained, exhausted and a part of me felt like my life was just passing me by. Ever felt like this? I just wanted MORE… I wanted more time, more travel and more abundance.

So my story begins 3 years ago when I walked away from everything that wasn’t serving my highest SELF— and that meant work, relationships and friends!

EVERYTHING in my life changed once I started changing. I started my quest on what happiness is and who in the world had it, only to find out that before I could even come close to finding my answers, there was a TON of healing I needed to do.

So I started my journey and I made a list of the top 10 things I needed, to be clear and focused. It was pretty simple on paper and I thought I could crush it and simply check off the boxes like I always do (overachiever to the max). But, it was hard work to stay consistent! So below, I’m sharing with you everything I did, in this order, for a full year that got me to this point. HERE it is!

1. No altering substance (stop drinking and smoking cigarettes)!

2. Figure out what you like to do… besides work!

3. Eat better! I look like I’m in good shape but I’m unhealthy.

4. STOP caring about what everyone ELSE has to say!

5. DO more YOGA! (I love how this practice makes me feel)

6. Stop saying YES when I really mean NO!

7. Learn to mediate and stick with it!

8. Do one thing for ME at the top of each morning.

9. Read inspirational books! (How come I don’t read books?)

10. Keep moving forward even when you want to QUIT (ah this one was the MOST important one)!

BONUS TIP: Travel more; see the world. How cheesy, right? BUT something inside me changed when I saw different parts of the world.

This is how I learned everything you will find this blog— from LIFE experience! It was trial and error, lots of bumps in the road & lot’s of sleepless nights. That’s why it’s so important to have your own WHY…Like why in the world are you doing what you’re doing? Are you happy in your job? Your relationship? Your friendships? Your life? Close your eyes and ask yourself: what is your why? And if you don’t know, what are you willing to do to find it?

I had a mission to be healthy and heal myself and that’s exactly what I did using the ancient practice of yoga, mediation and essential oils. That was my WHY! These 3 things gave me such clarity, direction and healing. I sometimes laugh to myself thinking: “Why didn’t anyone else tell me about this before?” Lol. But really, I just wasn’t ready for it! Your soul knows when it is ready to heal and move on.

Here are the 3 steps I followed in my healing journey:

Step #1– I practiced yoga every morning at 6am at a local studio.

Step #2– I learned to mediate and did this on my commute to work.

Step #3– I started using essential oils as a way to lower the toxins in my body.

I started to notice that yoga was healing my spirit, meditation was healing my subconscious mind and essential oils was healing my body! These 3 ancient practices that date back well over thousands of years started to unlock all the different parts of who I am and who I always was (but undiscovered)! Today, I’m a vegan. I don’t drink or smoke. I live in a #tinyhome. I’m a minimalist and an avid composter! I love supporting sustainable brands and my mission is to only share what I’ve learned along the way. I walked away from a 6-figure income and I’m happier today living in my purpose! Follow the journey….



Mystic Class



An entrepreneur by heart, Melissa helps other women start and scale their business, while keeping their spirits aligned and embracing new challenges.

Melissa Ruiz

Hi humans I'm Melissa